What is Stormwater?
The Official definition of stormwater under the N.J.A.C. 7:14A rules is as follows:
“Stormwater” means water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs
off the land’s surface, is transmitted to the subsurface. Or is captured by separate storms sewers or other sewage or drainage facilities, or conveyed by snow removal equipment.
If more information and questions on stormwater program please contact the Borough of Ogdensburg, 14 Highland Ave. Ogdensburg NJ 973-827-3444.

Stormwater Management Documents
- Municipal Stormwater Management Plan (MSWMP)
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP)
- MS4 Infrastructure Map (due December 31, 2025)
- Watershed Improvement Plan (WIP) (work in progress)

Ogdensburg Stormwater Management Ordinances
- Municipal Stormwater Control Ordinance (SCO) – Amended December 11, 2023 by Ordinance 15, 2023
- Ordinance 03-2023 – Pet Waste
- Ordinance 04-2023 – Wildlife Feeding
- Ordinance 05-2023 – Litter Control
- Ordinance 06-2023 – Improper Disposal of Waste
- Ordinance 07-2023 – Containerized Yard Waste or Yard Waste Collection Program
- Ordinance 08-2023 – Private Storm Inlet Retrofitting
- Ordinance 09-2023 – Illicit Connection
- Ordinance 11-2023 – Privately-Owned Salt Storage
- Ordinance 12-2023 – Refuse
- Ordinance 07-2024 – Tree Removal and Replacement

Stormwater Resources
Click hear to learn more information about stormwater and get Education resources.
- Rutgers Cooperative Extension
- Clean Water New Jersey
- Brochures and Handouts
- Pet Waste Flyer
- Stormwater Pollution
Related Municipal Links
Department of Public Works
Garbage and Recycling